About SETI

SETI is a contract vehicle that has a focused scope to provide new, non-commodity and innovative information technology engineering solutions, embracing cutting-edge technologies and methodologies for mission partners across the Department of Defense (DoD). SETI is a multiple award, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) vehicle designed for current complex and unique requirements, but also built to be technology-agnostic in order to solve capability gaps in all future mission needs.

DISA SETI Contract Holder

Key Benefits

  • DoD-Wide Use: All DoD, DISA, and DISA mission partners.
  • Decentralized Ordering: Task Orders may be issued by any DoD Contracting Activity or by the Defense Information Technology Contracting Organization
  • Performance-Based Cose, T&M, FFP, and Cost Reimbursement (CR) Task Orders

Overview: HC1047-19-D-2040


All DoD, DISA, and DISA mission partners.


SETI provides an overarching streamlined process for ordering a wide variety of critical IT engineering performance-based services while ensuring consistency and maximum opportunity for competition. It is a crucial vehicle for enabling the Agency and its partners to address the growing and dynamic engineering and technical needs of today’s and tomorrow’s Warfighter in a more streamlined and cost-effective approach. SETI promotes the delivery of innovative systems and capabilities using mature and emerging technologies and standards in order to achieve and improve towards a collaborative, adaptive, secure, expeditious, and interoperable enterprise information environment.

Period of Performance

June 2020–May 2025, + One Five-Year Option

$7.5B Pooled Capacity

No size limit on Task Orders

Contract Types

All allowed (FFP/CR/T&M/Hybrids) — 96 labor categories.

Performance Areas

  • Task Area 1: System Engineering
  • Task Area 2: Design Analysis Engineering
  • Task Area 3: Systems Architecture
  • Task Area 4: Software Systems Design and Development
  • Task Area 5: Systems Integration
  • Task Area 6: Systems Test and Evaluation
  • Task Area 7: Systems Deployment and Lifecycle Engineering
  • Task Area 8: Special Systems Engineering Requirements

To contact the SETI Small Business team, please email SETI@tibercreek.com